FloatData (real samples)
Object FloatData {
constructor FloatData( string name );
getSamples( int start, array ); //- where array : a = new Float32Array(size)
setSamples( int start, array );
number getLength() ;
number getSampleRate();
setSampleRate( number );
number getDuration() ;
number mean() ;
number std() ;
IQData toIQ();
- Returns samples number
- Define samples number
- Returns samplerate
- Returns mean (average) value for this object
- Define samplerate
Provide the duration of object.
:!: You have to define the samplerate '' .setSampleRate(SR_Hz)'' first.
- Example:
- Get samples starting from 'index' position, place the values in the Float32Array passed as argument.
.getSamples(index,Float32Array array);
Example :
var datas = DSP.rmsprofile( a_IQ_block, 1000);
var L = datas.getLength();
// alloc a destination array
var rmsvalues = new Float32Array(L);
// transfer values from VM Ram to JS
for( var i=0 ; i < L ; i++ ) {
var x = rmsvalues[i] ;
- Create samples starting from 'index' offset
- Returns a IQData object, with the following parameters:
- sample sample rate,
- same length,
- real part = imaginary part
Last update: December 4, 2023