CAN Bus interface
Provides a software interface to the CAN BUS. Internally this objects uses the SocketCan interface.
class IQData {
constructor CanBus();
bool open( String interface );
bool close();
bool send( can_id , data : array of integers );
Object receive( can_id );
- Opens the specified CAN interface. Returns false if the interface is not available or cannot be opened.
- Closes (releases) the CAN interface previously opened.
Send data to the CAN Bus.
bool send( can_id , data : array of integers );
Returns true if the provided data has been sent.
Parameters :
- can_id : the CAN ID to be used for this message,
- bit 0-28 : CAN identifier (11/29 bit)
- bit 29 : error message frame flag (0 = data frame, 1 = error message)
- bit 30 : remote transmission request flag (1 = rtr frame)
- bit 31 : frame format flag (0 = standard 11 bit, 1 = extended 29 bit)
- data : an array of integers. The length of the given array is used to set the frame length.
- Waits for data. This is a blocking call.
Object receive( can_id );
Returns an object with the following structure :
"send_to": <CAN ID of the sender>,
"data":[ array of integers]
For a background on CAN Bus under linux, see :
/* Can bus example
to test under linux with no CAN phyiscal interface , we use vcan0
setup :
sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan
sudo ifconfig vcan0 up
var interface_name = 'vcan0' ;
var bus = new CanBus();
print('Opening interface...');
if( === false ) {
print('Cannot open interface ['+interface_name+']') ;
// Test send data
// under linux, data can be monitored using tools from package :
// sudo apt-get install can-utils
// then :
// candump vcan0
var data = new Array();
data[0] = 0x01 ;
data[1] = 0x02 ;
data[2] = 0x02 ;
bus.send(0xf1,data) ; // candump will display : vcan0 0F1 [3] 01 02 02
// Test receive
// under linux , for example :
// cansend vcan0 002#0102030405
var x = bus.receive(0x02) ;
print( JSON.stringify(x));
// with given example, will print : {"send_to":2,"data":[1,2,3,4,5]}
Last update: January 8, 2022