The SDRVM comes with a series of modems sharing the common features.
These are :
Symbol rate
The symbol rate depends on two different factors :
- The sample rate (noted R in the following),
- The number of samples per symbol (noted k in the following).
Each symbol uses k samples transmitted at R samples per second. Hence the bit rate is : R/k.
When the modulateBits() method is called, it returns a IQData object where the sample rate is set to 0. You have to specify the sample rate to be used, depending on the symbol rate you want.
- Example :
We want to generate a 2400 symbols/sec (bits/second in this case) GMSK signal.
- We will use a sample rate of 48000 Hz,
- We need to set the 'samples per symbol' value to 48000/2400=20
var samples_per_symbol = 20 ;
var sample_rate = 48e3 ;
var filter_delay = 3 ;
var bt = .35 ;
var txmodem = new GMSKModem('tx') ;
'sps' : samples_per_symbol,
'delay' : filter_delay,
'bt' : bt
var bitrate = sample_rate / samples_per_symbol ;
print('GMSK params :');
print(' Sample rate:' + sample_rate + ' Hz');
print(' Speed : ' + bitrate + ' Bits per second.') ;
Processing delay :
Modems embeds FIR filters. The output of the FIR filters is delayed by N-1, where N is the number of taps in the filter. When started, the FIR outputs N-2 zeros before the first valid sample is available.
When used as demodulators, converting the input IQ samples to symbols, this delay must be taken into account.
The following example shows what happens if we push the output of the modulator into a demodulator :
function printBits( x ) {
var l=0 ;
var m = '' ;
while( l < x.length ) {
for( var b=0 ; (b<8) && (l<x.length) ; b++,l++) {
if( x[l]>0 ) {
m = m + '1' ;
} else {
m = m + '0' ;
m = m + ' ' ;
// Generate 16 bytes message
var L = 21*8 ;
var tx_bits = new Uint8Array(L) ;
for( var i=0 ; i < L ; i+=2 ) {
tx_bits[i] = 1 ;
tx_bits[i+1] = 0 ;
var samples_per_symbol = 50 ;
var sample_rate = 48e3 ;
var filter_delay = 3 ;
var bt = .35 ;
var txmodem = new GMSKModem('tx') ;
var rx_modem = new GMSKModem('rx');
'sps' : samples_per_symbol,
'delay' : filter_delay,
'bt' : bt
'sps' : samples_per_symbol,
'delay' : filter_delay,
'bt' : bt
// modulate, demodulate to compare
var IQ = txmodem.modulateBits( tx_bits ) ;
var rx_bits = rx_modem.demodulate(IQ);
// print the output bits
This code will produce the following output :
(boot:0)> 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 ...
(boot:0)> 00010110 10101010 10101010 10101010 ...
One will note that the first ouput bits are different. This is the consequence of the FIR delay : A series of 0 is generated before the demodulator correctly decodes the input stream.
Last update: January 8, 2022